Week 11 of Your Pregnancy
Many women find morning sickness starts to settle down by week 11, although some don’t feel better until about week 14, when the pregnancy hormones decrease and the placenta starts to support the baby.
Your Body at Week 11 of Your Pregnancy

Changes in Mood
Some women are glowing and have a lot of energy, but others are feeling tired, emotional and moody. It’s normal to have mood swings when you’re pregnant, but talk to your doctor if you’re feeling very anxious or down.
Excessive Saliva
You may be salivating more than usual, especially when you're nauseated. It's common and normal to have extra saliva during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester. If you're unable to swallow your saliva, spit it out. Drinking more water, chewing gum, and sucking on hard candy can help you swallow excess saliva more easily.
Visible Veins
You may notice veins crisscrossing their way across your belly and breasts, this is due to increased blood supply. These veins are doing the important work of taking nutrients and blood to your baby. They will gradually disappear.
Round Ligament Pain
The ligaments on the right and left side of your lower belly are stretching out and getting thinner. As your belly gets heavier, the weight pulls on the ligaments, causing sharp or dull pain — especially when you walk or turn to the side. Try to take some rest whenever you can.
Fainting and Dizziness
Your body is still getting used to all that blood pumping through it, so you may feel dizzy occasionally. Try to change positions slowly and be sure to sit or lie down as soon as you feel light-headed so you don’t fall. Always have a stash of healthy snacks with you for a quick blood-sugar boost and keep yourself hydrated.
You may feel quite tired
During the first trimester, a huge amount of energy goes into building a life-support system for your baby, especially the placenta, which can leave you feeling tired. There are also a lot of hormonal and emotional changes that are happening.
Heartburn and Indigestion
If you’ve got a burning sensation from the depths of your stomach to your mouth after you eat, then you’ve got pregnancy-induced indigestion and heartburn. Avoid heartburn triggers like spicy or fatty foods and caffeinated drinks and ask your doctor about pregnancy-safe heartburn remedies.
White Discharge
You may notice an increase in white creamy discharge early in pregnancy, due to higher levels of estrogen. White vaginal discharge (called leucorrhea) is nothing to worry about: This discharge is normal and can be clear to milky white, thin or thick, and mild-smelling or odorless. But vaginal discharge that's green, smells unpleasant, causes pain or itching, or seems unusual in any other way could be a sign of infection or another problem.
Abdominal Bloating
Hormonal changes in early pregnancy may leave you feeling bloated, similar to the feeling some women have just before their period.
Changes in Breasts
Rising levels of hormones cause your breasts to grow in preparation for making breast milk. Your cup size may increase. Other breast changes you may see include visible veins on your breasts, darker nipples, and more pronounced bumps on your areolas.
Constipation, gas, and bloating are all common during pregnancy, which can slow digestion. Sip water (preferably warm) throughout the day, eat high-fiber foods (like fresh fruits and vegetables), and walk as much as you are comfortable with.
Your Baby at Week 11 of Your Pregnancy

How big is my baby?
Your baby now measures about 4.5 cm — about the size of a fig - and weighs around 10g. The brain and nervous system have almost finished developing. The muscles and nerves are now starting to work together so the baby is starting to make small, jerky movements around your uterus.
The baby’s head is now about the same length as their body. The bones are starting to harden, the baby’s hands and feet are in front of their body, and they have individual fingers and toes with nail beds. The passages of the nose are open and the tongue has formed.
The fingernails are growing, the heart is pumping blood, and there are teeth inside the gums.

Your Baby's tiny Organs are Working
As you reach the end of the first trimester, all your baby's vital organs are in place, and many have already started to function. The liver is making red blood cells, kidneys are making urine, and the pancreas starts making insulin. The four chambers of your baby's heart are fully formed, and your baby's heart is beating.
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