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New Mother - Week 36 

These are just the last few days when you can find time for yourself easily, without really planning for it

So grab it dear!

But, make it a point to find time for yourself even after the baby is here, in fact you will need your "Me Time" more during your Postpartum Period.

Eating the right food in those initial weeks after childbirth is really important, as this is the time when you body is not only healing itself from Childbirth but it is also making food for your baby in the form of Breast Milk.

Read this article about Postpartum Diet.

Know everything about the Week 36 of your Pregnancy.

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Recipe of the Week

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Activity of the Week


DIY Nursery Decoration

  • You can choose either a room or a place where you and your baby will be spending most of the time together

  • And this is mostly during feeding sessions.

  • You can decorate the space with some DIY decors and make it colourful and pleasant.

  • So that whenever you look at the place, you will feel good!

We have created a list of our favourite Amazon products for you and categorised them for easy access.

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Do you want to be Happy and Healthy after Childbirth?
Hey, we are the founders of New Mother.
We're determined to improve the way women experience Postpartum by providing right education curated by top women experts.
Our only question is, will it be yours?

If you like to read more...check out these!

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