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New Mother - Week 25

I hope you are doing well. Every phase of pregnancy has its challenges, but today the good news is that you are half way there already 🙂

Continue the good work you have been doing of taking care of yourself.


During pregnancy, your blood volume increases by 30 to 50 percent to nourish your growing baby, your heart pumps more blood each minute and your heart rate increases. Read more about Heart Health during Pregnancy.

Due to all the changes happening in your body there are chances you may have Neck Pain during Pregnancy. It is quite common and there are ways in which you can deal with it. Maintaining a good posture is one among them.

ow everything about the Week 25 of your Pregnancy.

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Recipe of the Week

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Activity of the Week


  • There are so many things you can do in DIY activities in crafts.

  • Choose simple ones, in the beginning

  • And as your confidence level increases, you can try different complexities.

Try Crafting

We have created a list of our favourite Amazon products for you and categorised them for easy access.

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Do you want to be Happy and Healthy after Childbirth?
Hey, we are the founders of New Mother.
We're determined to improve the way women experience Postpartum by providing right education curated by top women experts.
Our only question is, will it be yours?

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