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New Mother - Week 7

 It's pretty common to feel tired, or even exhausted, during pregnancy, especially in the first 12 weeks. Hormonal changes at this time can make you feel tired, nauseous and emotional. How to manage fatigue is the most asked question, there are ways that can help but the easiest answer is to rest as much as possible.

Pregnancy is a kind of magical time, there is just so much happening within you. Every day brings in a lot of changes in your baby and your body. Now, along with physical changes there are chances that you may be experiencing mental changes as well. And with a shift in your perspective there might be hundreds of questions popping in your mind including "am I ready to be a mother?".

Many women go through this, try to find time to think about all the questions you have, find answers for yourself.

Know everything about the Week 7 of your Pregnancy.

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Recipe of the Week

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Activity of the Week


  • There are many ways to relax during your weekends. If travel is not recommended by your doctor, book a nice hotel/resort in your place. 

  • Carry the necessary things, and book a place where the transport is easy to access. (not in a jungle or low network areas).

Book a resort/hotel stay

We have created a list of our favourite Amazon products for you and categorised them for easy access.

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