I was 30 when I conceived and that was unplanned. I was not ready mentally or physically. But when we found that a tiny soul was growing inside me and we were pregnant we became more alert and responsible, have browsed a lot of info on what to eat, how to sleep, and all the dos and don’ts.
We booked an appointment with a Gyno and confirmed the pregnancy at the clinic. Though doctor advised for a scan post few weeks to measure the heartbeat of the baby. It felt like a fairy tale when I saw/heard her heartbeat for the first time.
Days began to set back, due to morning sickness and hormonal changes. It is a one-way path and solo travel, though people can help you with external stuff. I was solely responsible for that tiny little soul, which was growing inside me.
Though I was a brave and courageous Girl, Pregnancy took me to another level of growth. To be a woman who is responsible for another soul. It taught me patience and tolerance. Moreover, it taught me to accept life as it is.
As days went on, my anomaly scan reported that I had a lower placenta and was above 30. Had to limit my intense physical activity in the best interest of the baby and me.
I went on with WFH for the following months, did a health check-up in a nearby govt hospital, and was expecting a normal delivery. Little did I know that nothing can be predicted when it comes to delivery.
I had a great time during my pregnancy though my morning sickness never left me till the 7/8th month of my pregnancy, I started talking to the baby and I was persuaded that I was carrying a Baby boy :P. Gender doesn’t matter, after all, I was expecting an active and healthy baby. I was more excited as the date was given as the same as my Birth date.
As the date was nearing, I wanted to know if I was going to have a normal delivery or not. I thought of going for a scan to make sure my placenta was back to normal, and the baby was in the right position to be delivered. But the same morning I saw a blood spot which gave me a short panic. But then I was much prepared for it from previous months. I made up my mind that I might deliver the baby in a couple of days.
When we visited the hospital, the doctor went on with a physical examination (PV) and found the baby was already trying to come out. And my Cervix was not dilated enough. So, I was ordered an emergency C-section.
I had cried out loud, as I was always worried about C-sections. But in no time, I was admitted, taken to an operation theatre, and got my baby out. Sweet little angel “Baby Girl”. That feeling is something I can never forget all my life.
A few weeks post-delivery was hell ‘no doubt about it’ But then now I can recall only beautiful moments that I had with my daughter 😊.
Handling a baby was one big task, but I had to deal with most of the ‘myth, practices, and rituals’ that was being followed in the family. Finally, I had the courage to say NO to any of it and do what is best for my daughter.
Throughout my journey from 5th month of my pregnancy to 4 years of my baby. My Mom is the one person who took the place of grandmother, Father, and even Mother to raise my daughter. I feel grateful for having my daughter and Mom.
And this is my story. 😊 .
Thanks for reading,
Aruna Jayapal.